Representation of diverse groups in digital jobs: part 1
In today’s rapidly advancing digital era, the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and digital jobs cannot be overstated. As technology continues to shape industries and redefine business practices, organisations are increasingly recognising the immense value of fostering a diverse and inclusive hiring process, and as a result, a diverse and inclusive team.
In our 2023 Digital Salary Survey, we have uncovered what digital businesses are doing well when it comes to diversity and inclusion efforts.
Let’s take a look at what we found…
Which groups are represented well in digital jobs?
We asked digital professionals to share which groups they thought their companies represent well, to which 63% chose Nationality and Age – the highest percentage from the group.
It’s fantastic to see Nationality taking the lead in terms of representation, indicating a strong focus on embracing diverse cultural backgrounds. While it’s also positive to note the high ranking of Age, we must consider the underlying reasons behind it. It’s worth mentioning that the impact of the pandemic and the rising cost of living crisis might have compelled many individuals to re-join the workforce after retirement.
Following closely behind is Gender Equality at 62%, showing that a large proportion of digital companies promote equal opportunities for all genders.
Which groups are lacking representation in digital jobs?
At the bottom of the list, we find Religion with a representation rate of 39% and Disability with 30%. These results indicate that there is still significant room for improvement when it comes to ensuring equal representation and inclusion for individuals based on their religious beliefs and disabilities.
Regrettably, the lower rankings for Religion and Disability can be attributed to the significant barriers that disabled individuals encounter within the workplace. These barriers encompass physical interview limitations, structural office obstacles, and attitudinal biases from fellow colleagues.
It is crucial to acknowledge that disabilities are not always visible, further emphasising the need for a comprehensive understanding and support for individuals with diverse abilities.
Find out more
Interested in discovering more insights about DE&I? Stay tuned on the blog for part 2 as we look into how digital companies can improve their diversity and inclusion efforts, especially in the hiring process for digital jobs.
If you are interested in reading about other topics from the digital industry, take a look at our 2023 Digital Salary Survey for the latest salary benchmarking and insights.