What challenges do digital teams face in 2022?
Life at work has changed dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic – and digital teams have had to face new challenges along the way. You can check out our previous blog post (after this one of course) to find out how Covid-19 has made an impact of the digital industry.
Although you could say that we have come through the other side of the pandemic now, there are still challenges that lie ahead, and employees should have personal career goals in place for the rest of 2022. In our 2022 Digital Salary Survey, we released insights into the digital industry from the perspective of digital professionals in the UK and we found out which challenges could stand in their way.
Let’s dive into the results…
Team challenges
We asked our questionnaire respondents to tell us which challenges their digital teams could face for the remainder of the year. We also asked them to tick every one that applies to them, and this is what they said.
As you can see from last years data, the biggest challenge that was foreshadowed was developing a work-life balance at 53%, however this year’s challenge seems to be the struggle of retaining staff at a higher 66% and has risen from 31% since last year. As the job market is booming this year, it can be difficult for businesses to secure the right talent which can lead to worries about staff retention and talent acquisition that go hand in hand. It is possible that the digital professionals that we have reached out to have seen their colleagues come and go for one reason or the other, and therefore feel that this is the biggest threat.
Work-life balance is still a high pick at 42% which must mean that our questionnaire respondents are concerned that companies are perhaps tightening the reigns when it comes to hybrid, home or remote working or putting extra strain on their team after hours.
The uncertainty around Covid-19 has dropped dramatically from 51% to 20% which is to be expected now that we can assume the worst of Covid-19 is over.
Team goals
After analysis of the Digital Salary Survey, we can see that this years’ goals haven’t changed all that much in the last year.
It appears that career progression/promotion is still the most important goals for those working in the digital industry and in digital teams, which is likely to be a popular choice across other sectors too.
The number of people hoping to learn new skills has reduced slightly from 57% to 51% which could suggest that some employees have other priorities for their careers after having more career development time and opportunities during lockdowns.
Creating a better work-life balance has also reduced slightly, which we can assume is because many people have adopted hybrid or home working on a more regular and a secure basis, making it less of a goal for this year.
Want to know more about the digital world?
You can access all the information you’re looking for in your FREE copy of the 2022 Digital Salary Survey – get your hands on it today!