digital contract recruitment - attracting contracors

Digital Contract Recruitment – how can you attract digital contractors?

Digital contract recruitment has definitely grown in importance within the digital industry. So many digital professionals have made the move to a remote freelance lifestyle. Taking their digital talents to many companies, it requires a strong recruitment strategy to attract contractors.

Do you have upcoming projects and looking to boost your digital contract recruitment efforts? Be it a specific skill you need or to fill an urgent gap, you need to be adaptable when it comes to digital contractors.

That’s where TechNET Digital can help! Our established and ever-growing database of contractors means we understand what attracts them to a contract opportunity. Much like permanent employees, they will no longer just accept any role. Here’s what to think about when it’s time to attract contract talent.

Salaries – offering the best rate possible

Salary is more important than ever, as revealed in our 2023 digital salary survey. Contractors will put a lot of weight on the day rates they are offered and this varies from project to project. For example, if they were to be contracted for more than six months, they might expect even more. The important thing to realise is that these expectations are justified. Having worked on a multitude of projects, they will have picked up so many skills on their contracting journey. Don’t just consider the final remuneration offer either. Simply offering a weekly or bi-monthly payment can make all the difference when you want to attract contractors. TechNET Digital can provide the most up to date contract rates to help you position yourself as a company that contractors will want to be a part of.

Be transparent – contractors want to see how they will contribute

There are many reasons you might need a digital contractor. Even if these reasons are not the most positive, you shouldn’t shy away from sharing this. For instance, a permanent employee leaves abruptly and the workload is off the charts. Digital contractors love a challenge and they want to know what they will contribute. If they can show in their portfolio how they helped with a very strained or time sensitive project, they will want this opportunity. Furthermore, they won’t shy away from offering solutions the rest of the team might not have thought of. Ultimately, it will help all involved to be transparent when hiring contractors.

Show that you are an open minded company

Many contractors will share that they sometimes feel slightly on the outside of a team. Sure, they might not be there permanently but don’t let their knowledge go to waste. You want to show them that you are open to an outside opinion and then welcome them to an open dialogue. What do they feel is missing in a digital project? What skills is the company lacking? Inviting open discussions will then allow your existing team to open up more about the pitfalls they are experiencing, but might be too hesitant to discuss.

Expand your horizons – look beyond your own city

The rise of digital nomads continues. Many digital professionals have been choosing to work remotely in many destinations, enhancing their work-life balance and productivity. Who wouldn’t want to work on a sunny balcony with a sea view? So, we encourage companies to look beyond their HQ and cast the hiring net wider. It also shows a respect for flexibility and employee well-being – you are happy to consider a remote worker, even if they are in a different country. Having remote digital contractors on board widens the knowledge of the team, with insights from across the globe.

Helping your Digital Contract Recruitment Strategy

For digital contract recruitment needs, we are here to help. If you have upcoming projects that require extra support, we have a database full of the very best in the digital industry. Submit an enquiry today and we will be in touch!