digital jobs that allow you to work from anywhere

5 digital jobs you can do from anywhere

The digital industry is a great place for digital nomads to work, as there are plenty of digital jobs that allow you to work from home, remotely or even from your all-inclusive hotel with a pool view thanks to the online nature of the industry. All you have to do is pick up your laptop and you’re ready to go!

However, there can be limitations to digital jobs. If you work on a full time, permanent basis, your employer may require you to work from the office from time to time or attend in person meetings.

If you are a contractor or a freelancer, you will have more freedom to work from anywhere, but which specific jobs are most suited to a digital nomad?

Graphic Designer

Starting off strong, Graphic Designers spend almost all of their time behind a screen. Therefore, it is the perfect job for someone who is visually creative, for those who like to work independently on project work, and for those who thrive when working remotely.

Although Graphic Design is the ideal sector for remote working, it can take a lot of time to learn and may need some office time during the initial learning process. However, if you’re good at what you do, your clients won’t mind where you work.


Copywriters write copy for advertising, which can be done entirely online. The only reason that a Copywriter would need to work from the office is if they’re entry level or training.


Like Graphic Design, it can take a considerable amount of time to learn the ins and outs of programming. This is because there are a number of different specialisms within the sector.

Programmers can usually work on their terms due to the demand for highly skilled freelancers.

Cryptocurrency Trader

Bitcoin was introduced in 2009 and Cryptocurrency Trading is now considered a digital job and a fairly new way of earning money remotely.

It can easily be done from home, even from your phone!

Web Developer

Web Developers require little facetime or interaction with clients, which makes Web Development a suitable specialism for a digital nomad.

This role also suits someone who likes to travel due to the high salaries on offer for freelancers and contractors.

Looking for more freedom?

Are you looking for more freedom from your role that can work around you? Check out our latest digital jobs or get in touch with a member of the team today to discuss your situation!

Alternatively, if you’re considering hiring a contractor, we have a team of experts in place to support you.