Digital Recruitment Trends - Hiring market

Digital Recruitment Trends – The current hiring market

Discover the latest digital recruitment trends! Is there ever an ideal moment to hire in this dynamic industry? For job seekers, when is the optimal time to search for a new digital job?

There’s never a clear answer. As an employer, vacancies can arise at any time. Additionally, business growth and success will eventually necessitate a larger team with diverse skills. As a job seeker, the desire for a new opportunity can arise at any time. Furthermore, unexpected changes might mean you need to start a new search.

Our 2024 digital salary survey report asked employers and candidates about their plans for hiring or seeking new roles. These insights are invaluable, providing a clear picture of when competition for talent and jobs will peak. For business leaders, this data helps identify when most candidates will be on the market.

Note: This data was collected from February to March 2024. 

When will digital businesses be hiring next?

First up, let’s look at the hiring managers segment from our questionnaire data.

Digital Recruitment Trends Graph - When will companies be hiring?

While 38% have no immediate plans, the joint majority intend to hire within the next 6 to 12 months. Additionally, 23% are planning to hire immediately, which is a significant number. This is a promising sign for job seekers in the digital space. With a significant portion of businesses planning to hire within the next year, job seekers can anticipate numerous opportunities. This trend reflects the industry’s confidence in continued growth, driven by the rising demand for digital services which require the best digital talent.

When do professionals plan to move on?

We’ve seen company hiring plans…do they match the job search plans of digital professionals?

Digital recruitment trends chart - when do candidates plan to move on?

With 25% of respondents satisfied with their current roles, others will no doubt be delving into the digital job market over the next year. Notably, 47% are already beginning to make plans. This suggests digital companies face a significant challenge in retaining talent. This surge in job seekers signals potential turnover, emphasising the need for companies to strengthen their employee engagement and retention strategies. For businesses, this also represents an opportunity to attract top talent, but it underscores the importance of competitive offers and a compelling work environment.

Why now is the time to hire digital talent!

When examining this data side by side, it’s clear that opportunities to attract new talent are readily available. Companies need to start planning now, not in 6 months. The trends point to a highly competitive job market in the digital sector, with many companies actively looking to expand their teams. Therefore, the effort to attract talent must begin immediately. Effective talent attraction extends beyond job postings – it includes strong employer branding and a well-crafted recruitment strategy. Keep in mind that interviews, onboarding, and training require careful planning.

It’s a perfect time to examine employer branding too. If 47% of respondents are looking for a new role in the next 6 months, it’s an opportunity to determine why they are moving on. That way, you can see what are the common things that lead digital professionals to look elsewhere. Companies may need to strengthen their employer branding and provide more enticing employment packages to attract top talent. Highlighting factors like remote work flexibility, opportunities for professional development, and a compelling company mission can make them more attractive to potential employees.

Discover more digital recruitment trends!

Our 2024 digital salary survey report is full of exclusive insights and trends from the digital industry. Be sure to download your free copy! If you’re looking for digital recruitment support, submit a vacancy and we’ll be in touch. Should you be after a new digital job, submit your CV to the team and we’ll be in touch!