Digital Recruitment Team Growth

Digital Recruitment Insights: Are digital teams growing?

Within digital recruitment, are we seeing team growth within the industry? Or are teams shrinking? Despite the demand for new skills, the cost of living means there is much uncertainty – this exists for both digital companies, their clients and their customers.

In our annual digital salary survey report, we chose to ask respondents about their teams and the reasons behind any potential growth. Furthermore, we investigate why digital teams might have reduced head count.

Have digital teams grown in the last 12 months?

39% of respondents shared that their team has grown in the last 12 months. Meanwhile, 27% revealed their team had shrunk, leaving 34% who said their team size remained the same. The fact that 39% of respondents reported team growth over the last 12 months suggests a significant level of confidence and expansion within a portion of the sector. This could indicate that businesses are investing in digital talent to scale their operations, reflecting growing demand for digital services or the pursuit of new projects.

However, the 27% who experienced team shrinkage raises questions about broader challenges, such as economic uncertainties, budget constraints, or restructuring efforts. It may also suggest a realignment in priorities where automation or outsourcing could be playing a role. Taken together, these figures highlight the diverse responses to current industry pressures, showing both opportunities for growth and signs of caution.

Causes for team growth and team reduction

Following the first question, we then asked respondents why their team grew or shrunk. Here are the top reasons they shared…

Team growth
  • Client demand: This highlights the increasing reliance on digital professionals to meet the evolving needs of businesses. As companies expand their digital presence, they require more skilled talent to handle growing workloads and new projects, reflecting the critical role that digital services now play in business success.
  • Company growth: This indicates that as businesses expand, their need for digital talent rises. This suggests a direct correlation between overall business success and the scaling of digital teams, emphasising the strategic importance of digital expertise in driving and supporting broader organisational growth.
  • New skills required: As technology advances and business needs shift, companies are increasingly seeking specialised talent to keep up with new tools, platforms, and trends. This highlights the importance of adaptability and continuous learning within digital teams.
Team reduction
  • Redundancies: This reflects the challenges some organisations face, whether due to economic pressures, shifts in business strategy, or the adoption of automation, leading to a reduced need for certain roles.
  • Economic downturn: Companies facing tighter budgets and reduced revenue are more likely to scale back on hiring or reduce team sizes to maintain stability during challenging economic periods.
  • Career changes: Digital professionals are leaving their roles for new opportunities, either within different industries or for personal growth. This trend suggests shifts in career priorities or the pursuit of roles that offer better alignment with evolving professional goals.

Discover more digital recruitment news!

Our 2024 digital salary survey report is full of exclusive insights and trends from the digital industry. Be sure to download your free copy! If you’re looking for digital recruitment support, submit a vacancy and we’ll be in touch. Should you be after a new digital job, submit your CV to the team and we’ll be in touch!