Digital Job Search - 2023 tips

Digital Job Search: Get noticed in 2023!

The digital job search has become a competitive field in the last few years. Will 2023 become the year of opportunity? We have already discussed the key talent trends within digital, so now we turn our attention to the job search.

Are you thinking about the next step in the new year? There is no need to hesitate…however, here are a few tips to help you get noticed in the 2023 digital job search.

Adapting your CV for Applicant Tracking Systems

Many companies and recruitment agencies are using these to build a better experience for candidates. Part of what they do is sift through CV’s to determine the right fit. So, you need to ensure your CV is covering all of the right keywords in relation to your job search. Basically, think about ways to adapt your CV so that the key information is easy to find.

However, this doesn’t mean the hiring manager won’t be looking through it in depth. Once again, they will be looking for the key information so remove as much clutter as you can!

Improve your recruitment agency relationships

Do you currently have a recruitment contact who helps identify great opportunities for you? Perhaps you only reach out when you need to. In 2023, having insider knowledge will be key to standing out. There are many roles that are no longer advertised on job boards – instead, companies ask their recruitment partner to tap into their own networks. If you’re not part of this network, then you’re missing out on so many opportunities.

It also helps when companies are picky between candidates. Having someone to fight your corner is a great advantage.  So, establish the right recruitment agency partnership for your digital job search and you’ll be noticed in no time!

Identifying skills that will get you ahead

Of course, your digital skills will be integral to landing the right role. What other skills should you be working on and highlighting? It’s important to look at the current way companies are operating. For example, if they have a remote working model then you should be demonstrating self-management skills. You need to show you can adapt to an ever-changing working world.

If there are new digital tools or methods that you want to get ahead in, look for roles where you can work on these. Sometimes, it’s not just about showing the skills you already have but also the desire to learn. This will show companies that you are willing to grow and this will help get you noticed. Employers want people who are in it for the long haul.

Here to help your digital job search in 2023!

We cannot wait for yet another year of digital recruitment success! If you’re also feeling the ambitious new year spirit, it could be time to start the hunt for a new opportunity. Explore our latest digital jobs or submit your CV to our team today!